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Thursday, 11 September 2014




-我们在21岁到30岁的时候是最有生产力的,而且也是负担最少的,父母还能工作,不用承担父母的养老费,家里还有车,也不用我供,最多只是油钱,即使供 一辆,myvi一个月400++~500也还过得去~还没有结婚甚至还没有女朋友自己花而已,有的甚至连医药卡都还没买,这么年轻又不用这么早准备退休 金,那么是不是可以说这个时候的gen y是最有储蓄资本的时候?如果这时候买屋子的话年轻人供屋子不用那么辛苦压力,拱了前面十年的屋子,以后大大要refiance还是要卖掉都比较好,因为十年前的屋子一定会比10年后的屋子来的高。



25岁的你可能薪水没那么高,但是负担没那么重;30岁的你,可能收入比25岁的不增长了10-20%,但是大大你的2老会开始要退休,你的收入开始不是 1个人赚1个人花,而是1个人赚3个人花,保险呢?大大可能你再期间换了一辆车也不一定,那么车期呢?大大你的反正钱费用呢?(反正都要花的钱),TM费 电话费等等。到那时候大大你真的认为你还会有储蓄?


我说的不是马币,而是全世界都是如此,以前收入2000可以养活全家,现在呢?2000能做什么?他们的收入有变低吗?不是,是收入不能抵抗通货膨胀,我 一直强调,屋子最大的作用是抵抗通货膨胀而不是增值为先。试想想10年后的2000块能做到什么?但是10年后的收入平均又能去到那里?屋价会去到那里? 没有人懂,但是唯一能确定的就是,一定会持续往上飙。那你拿着一直在贬值的现钱等来做么?

大大你们一定很奇怪,我提倡大家买屋子,但是我却说他不是个好选择,为什么?因为屋子的利息真的蛮高的,买一间供2间,除非大大,你们是用现钱买的,或者 这间的出租率非常高,要不然就不要说买卖转让(当然有准备有米的大啊(不管是看空还是看多)例外),因为你的价钱绝对比不上现钱买家,尤其你是第一间屋子 或者最多第二间屋子,手上完全没有现钱的家伙,只要拖了1个五年利息一拉长,即使他只卖10%他都是净赚10%,那么你们呢?有算过利息的算法吗?5年后 的你们要卖什么价钱。






是不是很熟悉?,没错这就是很多人都会和你说的闲话。一个再好的地点都一定会有缺陷的,即使如新山r n f,你敢说他一定没有缺陷?还是有的。一好就没有2好,又要便宜,又要投资价值高,又要有地的,最好家隔壁就是商场,对面是医院,隔壁是学校,前走就是highway。



很多买屋子都说要住1辈子,那么我可以说我驾车我也要架一辈子的,那么是不是我直接买auti r8,然后1辈子不换车,这样是不是也ok?是不是很可笑?肯定是根据个人综合偿还能力来买屋子啦,你管那屋子偏不便宜你又买不起,买了后天天喊穷,睡不着觉,又有什么

意思?hh banglo跳楼卖,只卖900k,便宜吗?comfirm会再涨,那么你们要买吗?不是要买,是能买吗?


现在有很多公寓package推出,promotion 0头期免手续费等等优惠,却很多无屋者看不上?请问你们是在等榴莲跌还是政府救援?公寓真的很失礼吗?你们一定没看过香港人住的“高级公寓”比我们的miduim cost的公寓还差,但是他们还是照住。


千万别遇到像中国那样的问题,为了实行打房计划,blr 7.5%,付40%头期,到那时就算你要买屋子都不可能了,已经买的屋子利息即使上升了也不会供多的,大不了拉长来供;但是现在买的屋子如果7.5利息你 们知道到底有多重吗?上网看看吧~即使你真的有这偿还能力,有那位仁兄可以直接不痛不痒拿出40%的首期?





Sunday, 7 September 2014

Cloud Storage - Backup

I have been accumulating "stuff" lately since my daughter born and I need to find places to store all my stuff.

It seems that everyone that uses computer or mobile device spends a lot of time acquiring new data and then trying to find a way to store it.

For some users, finding enough storage space to hold all the data is a real challenge. People will invest in larger hard drives or external storage. Desperate computer users might delete the old files in order to make space for new data. 

As for me, I choose Cloud Storage where i am able to retrieve my data from any location and devices that has internet access and allow my friends to access large files easily. 

Best part is I wouldn't need to carry around a physical storage device or using the same computer to retrieve my data.

It act as a backup for me if anything happens to my computer like hardware failure, my data would still remain at the Cloud. It's a digital-age variation of " Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket" 

At its most basic level, a cloud storage system needs just to connect to Server using the Internet. A clients install in Computer or devices sends copies of files over the Internet to the data server(Cloud Storage Hosting), which then records the information. When the client wishes to retrieve the information, we just need to accesses the data server through a Web-based interface. The server then either sends the files back to the client or allows the client to access and manipulate the files on the server itself.

Cloud storage systems generally ­rely on hundreds of data servers. Because computers occasionally require maintenance or repair, it's important to store the same information on multiple machines. This is called redundancy. Without redundancy, a cloud storage system couldn't ensure clients that they could access their information at any given time. Most systems store the same data on servers that use different power supplies. That way, clients can access their data even if one power supply fails.

Mega is providing 50GB free online storage. You can even subscribe to Dropbox and many other cloud storage provider if you wish to have more storage for your online storage.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Junior Savings Account For My Daughter

It was a new challenge for me to source for the right savings account for my daughter. Having a child changes everything in a family. Inculcating the right financial foundation in children is as important as teaching the child the alphabet. Living in Malaysia, your child will inevitably be given cash in the form of ang-pows, during special occasions and festive seasons. Why not keep the money in a bank account that grows your child’s savings?

It doesn’t matter where we save, as long as we save, right? Wrong. 

We’ve always been told “put your money in the bank”, but not “it’s which bank you put your cash in that counts”.

Choosing the right bank with the best interest rate for your child’s savings account can make a huge difference.

And some banks provide coin boxes to help the children start saving at home. 

Maybank Yippie Savings Account 

Benefits of a junior savings account
Other than the cute coin boxes commonly given for free when you sign up, there are many other benefits to opening junior savings account.

Some of these benefits are:

  • Teaching your kids the value of money – By opening a junior savings account, you can teach your children the value of money.
  • Teaching your child how to manage money – Starting financial education at an early age can be beneficial. Let your child see the balance in the bank account regularly and teach them how to prioritize their “wants” and “needs” in life.
  • Getting used to delayed gratification – By having a savings account, your child can learn to set goals for the things they want to achieve or purchase. If they really want the new iPad or any other gadgets, encourage them to save for it. This will give them an idea on how to accumulate money by savings and reward them with a sense of achievement when they finally get it. 
Features of a junior savings account

  • It is for those under 18 years old.
  • It pays a higher interest rate compared to regular savings account.
  • It limits the number of withdrawals per month.
  • It restricts the method of withdrawal.
  • Some banks offer extra incentives, such as free personal accident (PA) coverage, cash rewards for excellent exam results, etc.