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Friday, 2 May 2014


The Heartbleed Bug is a vulnerability in the OpenSSL, a protocol that is used to encrypt user information across the web. cryptographic software library.

Discovered in early April, the Heartbleed bug affected the security of most well-used sites, including Yahoo, Google, and Facebook.  That weakness potentially allowed hackers to gain access to private account information, including passwords and credit card information.
Many smartphones running an older version of Google's Android may still be vulnerable to hacking attacks. While Google has "applied patches to key Google services," individual wireless carriers and handset makers still need to push out the fix.

Trend Micro has released 2 free Heartbleed scanners for computers and mobile devices to help internet users protect themselves from the bug.

The Scanners are designed to verify whether the computers and mobile devices are communicating with servers that have been compromised by the Heartbleed bug.

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